Wednesday 6 May 2015

Man punched in the face by UKIP thug?

I've heard from a few people about this guy, and he's quite a compulsive liar so I treated this claim with suspicion. The tweet came on my feed and I later saw clips of the confrontation with Farage.

Then I read his twitter and began to get the feeling he was lying...I then watched the full flip of him and Farage and was quite amazed he was getting sympathy.

He is known for being an aggressive 'activist' who quite regularly insults UKIP supporters. Here he is passing around leaflets saying ''Don't vote UKIP'' with a list of reasons most of which are false...

He was there insulting a UKIP voter claiming ''Why cant he meet someone ordinary?'' when the person Farage was meeting WAS ordinary

So Farage comes along picks him up on being called a banker since he never was a banker, he was a metal trader...this 'activist' responds by talking about homophobia, Farage offers him to meet the UKIP LGBT chairman, to which he responds I don't want to....and then talks about racism...Farage goes to explain that he has been in the presence of a Labour anti-racism campaigner all day who has been making the point UKIP aren't racist, he then bizarrely changed the topic to a UKIP candidate who's previously done porn..claiming it's disgusting, he's disgusting...  For those who don't know. He used to be in porn. I think it was BDSM..but not sure. So what? I don't see the problem at all...but for some reason after being proved wrong on every argument this 'activist' suddenly was blabbering that this candidate is disgusting and filthy.

It was pretty unbelievable to me and proved what we've come to realize most anti UKIP campaigners are liars and pretty much out of their depth when challenged.

After he was humiliated here...he decided to claim he got punched...the proof of which? I doubt there will be any. Seems like yet another lie from a hopeless troll.

Feel free to watch the full exchange....

Most anti UKIP stories do tend to turn out to be false or lies, so please watch the full exchange to see the character of the nasty people against UKIP.

Update - Found out this guy is a Greens supporter, which explains a lot. For those unaware the Greens via UAF, and Hope not Hate for quite frankly embraced thuggish behavior. UKIP signs often defaced, people insulted, threatened..In the case of one guy just yesterday beaten up by 6 men inside his own home purely for having a UKIP sign up.  They have links amazingly to Islamic radical groups as well..and their deputy leader is a nutcase.

The problem is the narrative is that UKIP are horrible thugs and the Greens are animal loving peaceful humanitarians, so people tend to get things confused. No Greens posters ripped down, nobody attacked, no UKIP thugs harassing others saying don't vote this or vote that.

It's completely one way, and not only have all the attacks on UKIP been ignored by most people, but now people seem to just make up attacks by UKIP and people believe it. It's quite astonishing. 

I encourage people to get educated because you're legitimizing actual thuggery and actually attacking the wrong target. We are normal people supporting UKIP having to deal with these sad troll people every second of everyday. And despite the fact we get physically attacked, and almost always they do not..all they have to do is make up a story and suddenly we're evil thugs.

This is kind of the shit that somehow gets 200 retweets 

A clearly made up story full of shit. Yet Bonnie Greer a quite disturbed woman decided to take it as a legitimate story...her source was Otto English...someone who's previously posted shit like this...

He describes himself as a prankster....when of course he is just a troll. But Bonnie Greer ever willing to slander UKIP takes up a fake story, she often purports UKIP hate blacks to black people, which often results in some black people thinking UKIP voters are racist and hate black people...which tends to cause a lot of issues for UKIP's black members...

Winston Mckenzie for example has got so much racist abuse a lot of which is from black people simply for being in UKIP. These tactics cause hate,...and it's all done in the name of 'Stopping hate' It's complete contradiction by sad trolls just taking an irrational dislike of a party who's policies are actually quite reasonable.

Let me give you some examples of how crazy this is.......

We have Transgender people being called Transphobic
We have gay people....being pestered because they are gay by people supposedly fighting homophobia?
They even try to claim UKIP are anti woman and hate women...I mean really? The 2nd most powerful person in UKIP is a woman. This shit is people unable to accept people have different opinions to them. Brainwashed by a PC culture they think they have to bully and harass people into not voting UKIP or hating UKIP so it scares others from ever considering liking or voting them.


And people need to really realize who are the sad fucked up people here, cos it's most certainly not UKIP supporters. I've been around them for a long time now. And I am sick to death of people with no idea about the shit we put up with calling us hateful.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Immigration for dummies

It seems we live in a society where immigration scares the fuck out of ignorant people. If you want to limit immigration that must mean you hate immigrants. You are blaming them for everything, you are spreading fear, you are being divisive, you are scapegoating minorities. What a load of shit.

The reality is mass immigration is a new concept, and it has hugely failed. Between 1066 and 1940 less people emigrated to Britain than between 2007 and 2011 now that is fucking scary. Elderly people who have lived in Britain all their lives, barely recognize their areas or communities in some places.

We have imported too many people too fast and it hasn't allowed for time to assimilate, thus there is no British culture, it's being phased out, and what we have is places slowly being segregated, people deciding to follow their own culture, people not even understanding what British culture is..and there is just a huge clusterfuck.

Natives matter, you rip away people's identity and they do not feel really too pleased about that, it doesn't go down well, it doesn't actually achieve anything positive.

Economically it's claimed it's a benefit. It's not. Non EU migrants have taken out 130 billion more than they have put in. While EU migrants have put in more, if we add the extra costs in strains on schooling..NHS and housing then it's a huge negative again.

We now have 6-7 kids in 2 bedroom flats in London. We have people not getting in schools 2 minutes from their houses, we have GP appointments taking 2-3 weeks. This is because there is TOO many people.

Wages have been suppressed, lifestyles have been reduced, crime has risen....

To further compound this, if all the best people in Poland or Latvia come here or even go to Germany or France...what happens to their countries??? They go to shit..they get abandoned. So we're making our countries worse and theirs's one huge disaster.

Immigration is good when controlled. If you cannot understand that without somehow equating it with hate or racism you are a fucking idiot.

Don't vote for UKIP, it's a waste etc etc once again

You can read my initial article here where I promised there would be a lot more of that rhetoric, and here it is, fully hyped up today in all unashamed glory....

IDS suggested voting UKIP was a suicide note which was quite something...

Then The Sun once again chipped in with two bits of propaganda..

Exhibit A -

Exhibit B - 

They seem to believe that they can influence UKIP voters one way or another, if not overall then in targeted places. It's very insulting in my opinion, because if isn't reciprocated then what are UKIP are gaining, why should people who support UKIP ditch UKIP? It makes no sense. Essentially a Tory tabloid at this point in time is trying many tricks to simply gain Tory voters.

They also posted similar things in the previous few days, as well as the Telegraph going into overdrive after the UKIP vote actually rose in pretty much all polls.

This wave of propaganda...this strategy which is very clearly planned out by Cameron that if you scare people enough about Labour or the SNP while claiming voting UKIP is pointless or a waste eventually enough will vote us and help us get a majority..that is essentially the aim here.

I hope that Tory voters look at UKIP and see it is real. No stage managed nonsense where it's all organized and prepared how to act all in unison all in the same message, all with the same dire tactics of scaring people about Labour..but actually people just speaking their mind and trying to actually do what they always intended to do, not sellout just for a few votes or make promises you cant really keep.

Monday 4 May 2015

Labour Lies on the NHS about UKIP

For those unaware Labour have been lying about UKIP and the NHS for awhile. This kind of smear tactic is routine, but to continually use it when you've been told 100 times it's not true does strike me as very sinister. For a party that is often accusing others of scaremongering or playing on fear, the hypocrisy is pretty astonishing.

Let me present you with the evidence....

Labour began to spread rumors that UKIP want to 'privatize the NHS' citing comments Farage made at one point. However UKIP had already seen the privatization introduced ironically by Labour hadn't helped at all and decided against that route, despite realizing the NHS needed some reform as people were living longer & more people were coming here. Labour however did not listen and spread as much fear propaganda as possible...leading to this response...

Problem solved? Oh no.
Labour kept going and a few months later launched another assault of ''UKIP want to privatize the NHS, they said it before!!'' This time David Cameron joined in.

So in January Nigel Farage took it upon himself to clear it upup....
Here's the key parts

So that's it right? Now it's definitely been made clear? Well no. Labour started it all again as the election came closer, putting leaflets through people's doors warning them the NHS was in 'danger' if you vote UKIP. Also groups like Hope not Hate which are funded by many unions that fund Labour also used similar scare tactics. 
They took out a front page ad in a Thanet newspaper trying to scare people claiming UKIP will destroy the NHS!

So then we came onto the debates, and Ed Miliband did..guess what? Claimed UKIP plan to privatize the was quite unbelievable.
So Farage had enough and called it for what it is, pure lies...

So that is the end of it? Oh no...
Only a day or so later, the Labour press team decided to repeat it again, this time adding in even more lies.
First of all none of that is in the UKIP manifesto at all. UKIP has never planned to charge anyone for seeing a GP.
UKIP actually plan to boost the NHS with an extra 3 billion funded every year, not cut.
And the privatization is as said a clear lie.
Of course the amazing thing is a Labour peer suggested charging 200 pound to see your GP
And it was Labour who privatized the their hypocrisy is almost as bad as their lies. 
But really how can a party get away with lying so much despite constantly being refuted?

IMO this whole subject shows Labour for what they are. Lying hypocrites who always look to scare people and use the NHS as a weapon. Labour are terrible on the economy, woeful on immigration, useless on I guess they think the NHS is all they got and they're gonna make the most of it. But the truth is in Wales they've been pretty bad with the NHS in the last 5 years, and they didn't do great with the NHS in England when they were in charge, so they don't have much really going for them here either.

Here's some responses to that tweet BTW.....

Really, you have to ask yourself, why support a party that continually lies and lies and lies without any care in the world? They simply take people for fools, and have done for too long.
Support a party that doesn't need to lie. UKIP plan to increase NHS funding by 3+ billion. And can actually fund it. The rest make false promises.
Here's the truth

Here's UKIP's NHS policies explained by a doctor in the NHS.

As you can see Labour lie lie lie on the NHS to make people think they're the best party for it, they're NOT....UKIP are. Also UKIP will remove parking fees at the hospitals don't even get the money so it's totally an unfair practice.